Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Loving Les Miserables!

My lovely friend lent me her Les Miserables DVD of the 25th Anniversary Concert at the O2 and having spent most of Tuesday evening glued to my laptop, I'm now completely a convert to her Les Mis obsession!
The film is stunning, sung the whole way through with incredibly powerful voices and the story is moving and dramatic.
So far, I've watched upto just after the interval and am planning to see the rest tomorrow night and write a full review on it then but I wanted to share a few of my impressions so far.  
  • Team Cosette or Team Eponine? I don't want to spoil the story for anyone so don't read this bit if you haven't seen it! I was literally crying during On My Own and honestly who wouldn't empathise more with her? I'm sure there are more people who love someone who doesn't love them back (sob) than people who fall in love at first sight and have it all work out perfectly for them. Maybe being a brunette myself I'm just inevitably on Eponine's side!
  • Damn you Nick Jonas! Disney Channel are making it harder for me to hate them by producing people who can actually sing. He's really good in this but I just keep being distracted by thinking he's Nick Jonas from the Jo Bro's. I'm trying to get past this because I did some research and turns out he performed as Gavroche (Les Miz' answer to the Artful Dodger) long before he played Marius which makes me be less annoyed that he's in this.
  • The guy playing Enjolras is gorgeous, or is that just me? Maybe him and Nick Jonas should have swapped roles. 
  • I remember Samantha Barks! She was on Any Dream Will Do and she was the one I wanted to win! It really is a small world. I'm so happy she found a role that she's so perfect for as she's an amazing singer and I thought she seemed so down to earth and genuine on the competition and deserves a great career.
  • Finally, I can't BELIEVE this isn't even more popular and successful because it's fantastic! The songs keep making my spine tingle and seeing as the entire show is sung my spine was feeling weird. Thats how good it is! I now have to read the book - so another one on my already long must-read list!
Sam Barks with The Jo Bro's and Cosette.
Seriously, if you ever get the chance to see it on stage or on the film just say yes! You will not regret it!
Leave a comment if you have any thoughts on the global phenomenon that is Les Miserables!
(Sorry about my inability to work out how to type the e with an accent. Laptop issues!)

Jessica x


  1. I'll definitely add this to my to-watch list :)


  2. Thank you for following my blog! Will be following I love movies! You should check out Benjamin Button - ultimate film! Amazing would love to see your veiw on it :)

    <3 xx

    1. i've never seen that but it's going on my to-watch list as of now! I'd love to do a post on it so look out for the review and thanks so much for following!
      Jessica x

    2. Its one of my favourites, such an amazing story! Ill definatly be watching out for your review :D xxx


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