Wednesday, 23 May 2012

The Great Gatsby Trailer!

Just a quick one today because I've been missing blogging while I've been busy with exams and revision. Can't wait for them all to be over now!
I got home from my exam this morning and got on my laptop to revise for tomorrow but then ended up on twitter where I saw The Great Gatsby trending and found out that the trailer was released!! I'm already so excited to see this film and I think the trailer is fantastic, have a watch and let me know what you think!
Mia Farrow in the 1974 film.

I personally don't agree with the comments about the music being too contemporary as I think the drama and emotion in the book fits perfectly with the style of music you can see in the trailer. I can't wait to see the whole film - the interpretation of it will be different but isn't that the point? It just annoys me so much when people are negative and critical before they have even seen the film.

Have a good wednesday and please leave me a comment with your thoughts on The Great Gatsby trailer.
Jessica x


  1. OMG I love Mia Farrow's hat! (/unrelated)

    As for the trailer- it looks wonderful! Drama, emotion, costuming... I just read The Great Gatsby last month, and enjoyed it, so I'll probably go see this in theatres.
    Plus, I loved Moulin Rouge (by the same director) and Carey Mulligan as Isabella in Northanger Abbey (similar sort of role). Basically, I'm super excited!


    1. It is an awesome hat ;)
      Moulin Rouge is one of my favourite films and I will have to watch Carey Mulligan in a few things before I see this. I like to know what to expect with a actor if that makes sense! Definitely very excited though!

    2. I understand :) I hope it lives up to our expectations!

      And I nominated you for a blog award :3
      It's here:

    3. Thank you so much! First ever blog award :D

  2. I went to the movies yesterday and saw the trailer also! I'm actually really excited for it! Great actors and a great book will hopefully turn into a great movie :) Thanks for joining my blog! You have a great blog also :)

    <3 Sharmaine Ruth

    1. Hopefully it will! Its always a bit worrying in case it completely wrecks the book but in this case I'm really hoping not! Thanks for following as well - your blog is lovely too! :)

  3. i am so excited to see this! cant wait to see what Baz Luhman has done with such a classic film!
    great blog

    1. Thanks for your comment Louisa, your blog looks great as well :)

  4. I love the Great Gatsby and the era. All of it. The beautiful clothes, the dapper men. Oh, this was fab!

    1. Dapper is such a good word for the 20's. Hope you enjoy the movie!


Thank you for your comments - they make me smile and I promise to try and answer them all :)